How to track activity towards other things than my own website?

  • How to track activity towards other things than my own website?

     Karim updated 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 4 Posts
  • Daniel

    January 9, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to track activity also to other services than my own website?
    e.g. if I have an eventlivestream on twitch or want people to watch my youtube content and I advertise that through a fb/ig ad. How can I track how many people came there because of my ad? Is that even possible? What campaign goals should I use for that objectiv?


  • Karim

    January 11, 2021 at 10:57 am

    Hi Daniel,

    There is no universal solution for this, however, there are a few things you can do.

    In the YouTube Studio for example, you can check “Reach” under analytics to see traffic sources that brought viewers to your content.

    If I am not mistaken twitch offers similar data in the “stream summary”.

    Furthermore, you can directly see the number of clicks of your Facebook campaign in the business manager.

    Finally, our free URL shortener has an integrated click-tracker. By creating different short URLs for different campaigns or posts, you can individually track how many clicks these links had, the referrer (where those clicks happened) and more.

    In terms of campaign goals, I would suggest traffic optimization.

    I hope this answers your question 😊

    If you want to support us, please leave a course review to help us improve our courses.

    Best regards and a happy new year,


  • Daniel

    January 11, 2021 at 7:51 pm

    Hi Karim,

    Thanks a lot for your reply! I knew about YouTube Studio and stream summary for twitch however those only state what plattform people come from but you can’t really track if they came through a specific ad. Which is kinda crutial if you want to know about the success of your ad. However with the Facebook Buisness Manager numbers on top I can probably get an estimate.

    Havent worked yet with URL Shortner but I might look into it!

    Thanks for the advise on campaign optimization.

    I will leave a full feedback once,I finished the course. But I can already give two little possibilites for improvment:
    1. You should imo def. add an “Unmark Lesson” Button, when people already watched a lesson but want to uncheck it so they remember to look into it the again, the next time they visit.
    2. It is more a question than a feedback: Why are neontools accounts and neonacademy accounts seperate ids? Would be really cool to only have to make one account, that works on both your platforms. As nowadays you get kinda sick of making accounts everywhere.

    Best regards and thanks again for your reply,


  • Karim

    January 11, 2021 at 8:17 pm

    Hi Daniel,

    1. Misch told me that you brought this issue up and thanks to you we are currently looking into fixing this, so thanks for that.

    2. As for the account question, neontools and neonacademy are using two different systems. However, you might be happy to hear that we are planning to merge the accounts at some point to allow you to navigate all of the neonverse with one account.

    I don’t know if this is applicable to your situation, but a work-around could be to embed your video or stream on a website or even a mico landing page. That way you would send people to a “mini website” that only shows your video and for example offers UTM integration, so you could technically track the clicks and with Google tag manager even track metrics like video watchtime.

    Thanks for reaching out and I´d love to hear how the tracking with has worked out for you.

    Best regards,


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